The short film Sorelle Diverse, directed by Anna Marcello, has achieved significant acclaim following its national premiere at the Vertical Film Festival held at Cinecittà Studios on December 4, 2024. The film swept awards at the prestigious Coliseum International Film Festival, presented by Chiara Sani and featuring a distinguished jury that included Federico Moccia. The event, held on December 21, 2024, at the Seraphicum Auditorium in Rome, awarded Sorelle Diverse the prizes for Best Italian Short Film and Best Actress for Lea Mornar.
One of the film’s most remarkable features is its unique format—shot entirely in a vertical 9:16 aspect ratio. This innovative approach played a significant role in its recognition at the festival. Inspired by a true story, Sorelle Diverse is a bittersweet comedy co-written by Lea Mornar and Anna Marcello. The project received support from the City of Naples, the Municipality of Vico Equense, and the Proloco organization.
The cast includes Anna Marcello, Lea Mornar, Paolo Gasparini, Eduardo Bellotta, Rita Celentano, Vincenzo Cassano, and Stefano Chiavarini. With stunning cinematography by Massimo Zeri and an evocative score by Giancarlo Maurino, the film was produced by Claudio Bucci, Lea Mornar, and Anna Marcello for Pacific Innovation & Distribution, with additional participation from White Room Music Ltd.
“We are immensely proud of the entire team’s hard work,” remarked director Anna Marcello. “This was a challenging yet exhilarating production, and this recognition is deeply rewarding.”