Joanna Longawa

Joanna Longawa

Editor in Chief & Founder

Journalist, poet, literature translator born in Poland with the Editorial Master’s Degree at prestigious Jagiellonski University from Krakow. In 2006 She settled permanently in Rome (Italy). During last 5 years Joanna has been collaborating with various international magazines and photographers. In 2015, after a Press Office and Event Organiser experiences, She decided to create her own online magazine that promotes new culture initiatives, discovers talented people, tells the lifes recognized artists, places and sets up art events around the world. She conducts interviews in Italian, Polish, English and Spanish.

Andy De Paoli

Andy De Paoli

Assistant Editor

English language and Journalism professor, poet and writer, born in New York, based in Rome, Italy. He published in 2012 in Rome “D’Oreade Alpina”, collection of poems. He speaks Italian, French, German and Spanish. He is interested in animals and human rights.