Curatorship | CARLOS CASTRO
PERMANENCE 14.01 / 19.02 | Jr. Hill 128 C – Barranco

The meeting of the works present in this exhibition is due to one condition: to propose the circulation of new images, whose conjunction is not predefined by any judgment. Thus, the absence of explicit symmetry and unity became the basis of this exhibition, and caused the various directions that this assembly assumed. Here is the gesture of the ivy, whole display of ideas and materials that is spread on the walls, floor and roof of this gallery. The open content that proliferates here turns this space into a repertoire of visual arguments that reminds us that this split and triturated country is a means to recover.
Shreds of this landscape bow down before our walk and allow Lucia Lambarri to suggest the understanding of our surroundings, acute and inevitable capacity for observation that, in turn, stands in an oil fire drawn by Milagros Vega. Same place that is restored with our steps, it is necessary to walk urban whose footprints are expressed by characters and free lines in Ronny Camero’s drawings. Our stay that still hosts a voracious economic production spread throughout the twentieth century and whose historical indifference is turned towards itself through its ghosts, photographed by Miguel Castro and revived by Fico Tejeda industrial fossils. House obscured by the selfishness of which we await its fading under the light that will allow us to recognize the many faces gathered by Gonzalo Benavente, because, as Sasha Minovich shows, the daily calm of the portraits seems to pick up a surface that waits to be broken like a mirror. This image ivy opens to remind us that multiplicity and variety are positive values.